Special Courses



At Melodie we acknowledge the importance of music and physical activity to young children. It is part of daily life here at school. In addition to having regular play time where kids can freely express themselves and explore, we also have many active classes with specialist teachers. Activities include karate, Latin dancing, and football.


Karate: Great for coordination, discipline, health and self-confidence.


Dancing: A wonderful way to keep active and learn to love music and dancing, as well as improving a child's balance, stability, sensitivity, and responsiveness.


Football: Keep physically active while having fun with friends playing the beautiful game. Experience team work and nurture your fighting spirit, while improving the sense of competition and fairness.


Orff Music: We have a wide variety of instruments for children to use and explore. We have a daily ‘Music Time’ where children enjoy the fun and communal feeling of singing and dancing with their friends. We also hope this early exposure to music and rhythm can ignite a love of music that they carry with them forever.


The Orff approach is a way of introducing and teaching children about music on a level that they can easily comprehend. Musical concepts are learned through singing, chanting, dance, movement, drama and the playing



JELIC Brain Power Engine 

Jelic is an international enrichment program for ages 3 to 6, which comes from Taiwan. It was developed in 1987 and there are centers in Taiwan, Canada, America, Singapore, China, Malaysia, and Indonesia.


Designed by a team of educators, child psychologists, physicists, and mathematicians, the Jelic curriculum supports young children in developing important learning and life skills through a systematic set of learning boxes divided in 7 levels with over 3000 multiple intelligence games. The program balances the development of both hemispheres of the brain, through self-paced hands-on experiences which emphasizing on:


Judgment Quotient makes sure that children can distinguish right from wrong

Emotion Quotient encourages and develops children's positive emotion management

Logic Quotient trains children's logic thinking

Intelligence Quotient indicates the intelligence and skills in problem-solving

Creative Quotient explores the creativity in life


The JELIC Program is available in our Kindergarten at the Yongjia Road Campus.

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